Final Set of 2023 Blog Commenting Websites

Do you write blogs? Do You Want More Visibility Online? Great way to get known to audience commenting on blogs. Blog commenting Site ranking 2023: BCS. Fly up to greatness with confidence at hand!


Let's start by briefly defining the topic: Blog commenting is an essential part of off-page search engine optimization in directing traffic to your site as well as promoting additional links.

In this article a list of top 10 sites to comment on when working for improving visibility and domain authority is available. Bloggers can approve comments on Facebook, Disqus, and CommentLuv at once. This strategy works well with marketing like fashion, travel, financial services, lifestyle ,health, digital marketing tech, technology’s marketing and also marketing of tech.

With increased credibility and more website traffic being the ultimate goal in marketing, this list of blogs that accept comments could be one way of achieving it. Lastly, in order to maintain good perceptions with readers and site owner, your comment should be relevant, enlightening, and polite.

The Importance of Commenting on Blogs and SEO

Blog commenting is an extremely effective SEO strategy that can lead to increased online presence for websites, drive traffic to them and create valuable backlinks. Business that participate actively in relevant blog post can established their authority in field, create relationship, as well as build dynamic community of readers who offer both thought-filled comments and linking through their site.

Also, it is possible for a website to get approval of search engines immediately by sending comments to other popular blogs within the given industry. The use of this method boosts the domain authority of the website, besides assisting it appear first in search results.

In addition, it enhances the effect of blog commentary through providing opportunities for more interactivity and broadening the access area on the web.

About 90 percent of organic traffic is believed to come from article comments alone. Moz, the most significant source of SEO research, argues that commenting in popular blog entries enhances engagements, consequently increasing conversion and improving the company’s credibility.

Mistakes when commenting on Blogs

A good approach would be leaving comments on others blogs, that are useful and thought-provoking. However, some of these mistakes may occur only when writing commentaries for other people’s blogs.

Here are six blog commenting blunders to steer clear of:

·         Writing repeated comments more than once.

·         Dishonest use of fictitious name/email.

·         Not Replying After Replies of Your Comments.

·         Commenting without fully reading the post.

·         Being unduly self-promotional

In addition to such common mistakes, we shouldn’t forget that each blog has its own rules concerning comments. You should also read this before contributing to a freshly released blog.

You could also pay more attention to creating engaging comments in blog-based discussions instead of merely promoting your own stuff. By leaving thought provoking comments and engaging with other commentators, you can build relationships with fellow bloggers within your specialty.

Lastly, we should mention that many present bloggers tend to refocus their attention away from blogs’ comments and move towards interaction in form of social media or community based on Discord for instance. Failure to stay abreast of current social-cultural norms could ruin interactions between yourself and your peers.

Blogging history of not making mistakes in comments is recorded from preliminary period of blogs when comment sections used to remain anonymous. Bloggers also enjoyed publishing comments that could be quite offensive as well in regard to a particular topic; hence no retribution was anticipated as a result of the posts. Presently, it is considered immoral and may even have negative effects on a person’s reputation online. Consequently, it can put one in an advantageous light as compared to others by just avoiding making comments carelessly on that post or adhering to some protocols.

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