10 Healthy Super-Foods to Eat Every Day

It's Simple to find and easy to Eat these Foods that are High in Nutrients.

However, super-food is one of the healthiest food you can eat every day and still have it marketed over-boardly. While super-foods may not have a specific definition, according to Eating Well they are multi-purpose, nutrient-dense powerhouse foods (i.e., antioxidants- rich blueberries).

Nonetheless, very healthy food products such as goji berries are either too expensive or hard-to-get to be on your everyday grocery list, or probably you would consume them at most once a while, as it happens with sardines. Therefore, it’s important to incorporate variety into a balanced diet for one to stay healthy; hence, we have tried different delicacies but want to mention about those nutritious foods that are easily assimilated by people. In the end, however, the nutritive worth of a foodstuff becomes irrelevant if an individual fails to consume it.

The very best diets and foods should include real, whole foods such as many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy proteins and fats, and nothing but low levels of added sugars or salt. However, there are many other healthy foods like lentils, bananas and beets which can also be incorporated in the diet.

A list of 10 super foods which are available and can be eaten easily so as to enjoy your meal when practicing healthy diet options.

1. Berries

Berries are super nutrients that most Americans lack on fiber which is another important nutrient that we shall discuss hereafter. Fiber also benefits the heart as well as helping with digestive system health. It may make you more satisfied as well. Eat a varied quantity of berries as they are all healthy. In winter months when berries are not in season use frozen berries without added sugar in yogurt, oat meal and smoothies. A cup of raspberries contains eight grams of fiber not forgetting to mention an anticarcinogen known as ellagic acid. They contain anthocyanins that can keep your mental health strong as you grow older. For a similar serving, blueberries have only two gram (half as much). A cup of strawberries contains three grams of fiber and above the daily recommended quantity of skin-firming vitamin C.

2. Ovum

Another great vegetarian protein source is eggs, which also have the ability to make meals linger on for some time. One egg contains about six grams of protein and approximately seventy calories.; Lutein as well as zeaxanthin, these are two important components that help improve one’s vision, are also provided by eggs. However, studies published yearly showed that lutein and zeaxanthin are protective against AMD, which was found to be the most common cause of blindness among people aged 65 years and above yearly (Mareski & McDaniel, 2018). Also, lutein can be helpful towards protecting your skin against ultraviolet rays.

3. Delightful Patties

The bright color of sweet potatoes is due to their alpha and beta carotene content. The body uses these substances to produce active form of vitamin A; aiding in the proper functioning of the immune system, bones and eyes. Moreover, these agents act as antioxidants and reduce the number of free radicals which lead diseases. A medium sweet potato contains vitamin A about four times over the daily recommended amount plus some vitamin C, B6, potassium, manganese, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

4. Collards

Folate and Vitamins A, C, and K contribute to bone health in this super-food. Broccoli regularly ranks first on lists of "super-foods" for another reason: sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate thought to protect against cancer by boosting one’s detox system and thus, this provides a good dose of it.

5. Wheat

Oats are for sure a real super food that people have as a staple of their breakfast. Having oats as your morning breakfast or any other form that adds more fiber into your diet is easy. Additionally, plain oats do not have any added sugar, making them another whole grain product. Pre-packaged foods such as blueberry oat cakes are not allowed during this phase. Instead, cook whole oats for yourself and prepare such meals as granola to be eaten together with fruits and yogurt for breakfast; consider making energy bites using peanut butter.

6. Lettuce

The lean greens are good for the body. Spinach has high contents of various vital nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K, and some fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E. Research shows that one can lose weight, diabetes resistance, youthful eye look, and an excellent immune system by eating more spinach than any other green.

7. Tea

Research show that drinking tea regularly helps in improving teeth, gums, bones, as well reducing risks associated with diabetics, Alzheimer’s and certain kinds of cancer. Tea is rich in flavonoid antioxidants. No matter what type of tea you take, make sure you drink freshly brewed tea, as this is the only way to ensure maximum effect from flavonoids. If your desire is to store the cold tea in fridge, give an addition of few drops of lemon juice. They help protect flavonoids by providing citric acid and vitamin C, present in the lemon, lime or orange juice.

8. Fruits

Can't nuts do anything? Magnesium and polyunsaturated fats for the heart- healthy food rich in nutrients called them. These nutrients could also help to shield against insulin resistance which is one of the risk factors for diabetes. Nut’s antioxidant substances like resveratrol or ellagic acid lower the body harm caused by free radicals. This means that they reduce chronic inflammation and cancer risk. Research indicates that insoluble fiber found in nuts can feed the good bacteria in your intestinal tract and thus promote healthy living. You can use some nut butter with your toast, take some trail mix, or just eat some almonds on your own.

9. Oranges

The orange fruit is underappreciated. And one big round orange or even a cup of orange is enough to fulfill all the necessary daily rations of vitamin C for our body per one day. Vitamin c works as an efficient antioxidant protecting cells against free radicals. Moreover, it serves for formation of collagens which strengthened the skin. Besides that, it is included into the mechanism of white blood cells and antibodies’ creation who eliminate viruses and in Folate and fiber can also be found in oranges.

10. Yogurt

Yoghurt helps us to keep healthy with their “good bacteria”, otherwise called probiotics. The product is rich in calcium too. Calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc content of one cup of yogurt is almost equivalent to a healthy daily requirement. But for a bigger Protein shot, consider going for Greek style yoghurt, again try to have it in its natural form as much as possible. Most flavorful yogurt are sweetened with a lot of added sugar that does not provide nutrients and only increases calorie intake.

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The Final Word

It does not have an exact definition, but it refers to foods that can be eaten every day because they are super foods. These super foods include fruits such as black currants as well as vegetables, nuts and other snacks with various health benefits. Thus, add some berries to your oatmeal, incorporate sweet potatoes into a grain bowl, eat some nuts as a snack, and enjoy the daily advantages of super-foods.

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