Top 10 Best Pro Wellness Tips for 2023

With some personal tips from a world winning spa leader, you can pass through the new year and beyond smoothly.

How often do you struggle with the balancing act between work and family? It’s great timing to concentrate on wellness, taking up some basic tenets in practice as the calendar turns on a new year.

“Wellness is an act of art, and if we listen to our body, it is almost easy”, says Heidi Grimwood, Vice President, ELE | NA Spa, & Global Spa Leader Of The Year 2022 At The World Spa & Well “I am grateful for the opportunity to share some easy-to-follow yet helpful guidelines that help me take good care of myself, stay healthy and happy on a daily basis.”

Healthy Breathe

Proper breathing is necessary for keeping the body balanced. Breathing from the Diaphragm helps us feel better for better living. Pause for a minute, and be aware of where your breath goes when you are worried or anxious. When these emotions come over us, we rarely breath from the stomach but keep our shoulder muscles tense. Tighten your body, roll your shoulders backwards as well as lower downwards, and make yourself take a few deeper breaths. With just a few breaths, you would start to feel calming into your body.

Routine Exercise

Body exercise and activity does not necessarily mean you must go to a gym. It is made up of activities such as gardening, housework, and taking the stairs instead of the lift. Also, if you park far away from the store entrance in a parking lot it helps improve your daily steps.

Nourish your Body

Use Nutrition as Food and Medicine. In other words, as Hippocrates said – we become what we consume. This does not mean that you must deprive yourself of all treats; nevertheless, moderation is key in terms of what and how often you consume it. If you follow the prompts of your body instead of your emotional mind, you are certain to travel on the right path.

Enjoy Spa and Wellness Services

The next time you go for a spa session, instead of settling for a basic massage, request the masseuse to direct you towards the right therapy according to your body’s current condition. This will assist you in recovering quickly from the effects of the spa day and in making the most out of it.

Go on a Family Outing once a Week taking a ‘Digital Detox’ Day!

Tell them to leave their phones at home and watch how you feel without using any electronic devices- like where you go, talking, or your sleep that night.

Good Sleep

They will, however, require that you rest your body and sleep well in order to facilitate healing. Rest will always make sense; sleep is not meant while fighting a disease. In order to attain deep and restful sleep when trying to fall asleep, I often have to use YouTube sleep hypnosis, since my mind is too active.

Put Meditation to Use

If you meditate for even only one minute at work, it relaxes both your body and mind. People who know me well can attest to the fact that I do not excel in classic meditation; however, I have invented the practice suitable for a person like me by means of the snorkeling and mountaineering experiences. It allows me to be fully in the present because I need to focus and appreciate the current reality. For me, that is meditation.

Time out with Family and Friends

You might find it helpful when it comes to preserving your psychological wellbeing over time by using advice for keeping in touch and building strong relationship with individuals you love. Spare some time with those dear to you, this will light up his or her day and make you feel accomplished.

Maintain Adequate Hydration

It is important, however; it can be considered as a part of a health indicator. Increased blood volume enables normal physiological functions in your body. The best way to consume water is pure and free from any calorie, sugars or chemicals. As it is you will find that the water is more alkaline and should have come from a copper bottle. Plastic bottles are usually acidic. It does not come with a certain figure for a day’s consumption, but you should drink enough to satisfy your thirst. If you are thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated.

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